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Form Rome to #Lourdes

Rome to Lourdes, Cardinal who recovered from COVID-19 brings pilgrims (Part 1) | EWTN Vaticano

This Week on EWTN Vaticano for September 13, 2020. Ep446.

As the Diocese of Rome returns to normal life, it’s beginning to take up its regular activities… including pilgrimage.

The annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes marked the Diocese’s first internationally in six months… And, one of the first major pilgrimages from anywhere outside of France to the shrine since the lockdown. The vicar general of Rome, Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, who was hospitalised with coronavirus in March, led the pilgrimage and reflected on his own experience overcoming COVID-19.

Discover the Miracles at Lourdes, Rome to Lourdes Pilgrimage (Part 2) | EWTN Vaticano

This Week on EWTN Vaticano for September 20, 2020. Ep447.

Accompany the Diocese of Rome on its annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in France. Part 2.


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