
Reflection on the Apparitions of #Lourdes

Aquero – A Reflection on the Apparitions of St. Bernadette of Lourdes

Westminster RC Diocese Lourdes Pilgrimage 2020

This premier of Aquero written by Bernard Lavery KSG and Giovanni Marseglia is an amazing, sweeping, musical setting, telling the story of one of the most important happenings in the contemporary life of the Catholic Church. An amazing story about an un-amazing, unassuming young french girl, Bernadette, who experienced one of the most important religious revelations in our times, and whose faithfulness in sharing the ‘Beautiful Lady’s message has led to millions of pilgrims visiting this small town of Lourdes, in southern France, in faith and hope. A town where miracles have taken place. join us a we travel in pilgrimage with this beautiful narration and music.

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