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Bernadette Soubirous was only 14 when she revealed to us one of the most deeply mystical apparitions of modern times. She was a faithful, simple and very poor girl helping care for her siblings in Lourdes, France in 1858. While gathering firewood she came upon a grotto at Massabielle rock. She experienced her first vision, a beautiful lady who motioned silently for her to approach. They both prayed the rosary that day. Bernadette reurned to the grotto, the apparitions appeared only to her. Many began to gather as she prayed and fell into ecstasy. February 25th 1828 – The lady tells Bernadette to drink and wash at the fountain. Not knowing what this meant she began to dig in the ground and drink from a puddle of mud in the grotto. Those who watched were shocked and thought she was insane. Bernadette is persecuted and interrogated by the authorities who sought to put her in jail. She was let go that night. She returns to the grotto the following day. A spring now flows from the puddle. Followers return, and miracles begin to occur to those who wash in the spring waters. March 2nd,1858 – The lady speaks to Bernadette telling her to convey to the priests that a chapel should be built at the grotto site. Bernadette takes this message and is further questioned by the clergy. March 25th,1858 – The lady reveals her name “I am the Immaculate Conception” Bernadette saw the lady for the final time on July 16th, from a distance as the grotto had been barricaded to keep th crowds away. After extensive investigations and overwhelming numbers of miraculous cures the bishop declared “We judge that Mary Immaculate, Mother of God, really appeared to Bernadette on the 11th February, 1858” , soon after the Emperor Napoleon III ordered the barricades removed. Lourdes became a place of pilgrimage and continues to be an incredible place of miracles and conversions in our day. Bernadette died after prolonged illness in 1879. Her body is remarkably incorrupt given the burial conditions, only a thin wax max covers her face as she lays in the glass reliquary to conceal areas of skin turned dark. It is a very rare occurence when the Catholic Church approves an event as a miracle. So far 64 miraculous healings have been declared approved, having no scientific or medical explanation. Thousand have found God in Lourdes. Jesus began his work of salvation at Cana, an event Mary was so integral at setting in motion. Today He asks His mother to show us the path to His love and mercy. Mary waits patiently for us in Lourdes and in the privacy of our homes and hearts. Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing, You reign now in spendor with Jesus, our king. Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, Ave Maria! Predestined for Christ by eternal decree, God willed you both virgin and mother to be. Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, Ave Maria! To you by an angel, the Lord God made known The grace of the Spirit, the gift of the Son. Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, Ave Maria! Most blest of all women, you heard and believed, Most blest in the fruit of your womb then conceived. Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, Ave Maria! The angels rejoiced when you brought forth God’s Son; Your Joy is the joy of all ages to come. Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, Ave Maria!


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