Trust Mass 2010 (HCPT Lourdes, 8th april)
The most important HCPT liturgy in Lourdes is the Trust Mass, which is the one occasion when the entire Trust pilgrimage comes together.On the Thursday morning the groups all assemble in the largest Basilica for mass together. The mass begins with entrance processions from different points. In these, banners precede all the chaplains and the principal celebrants. These all pass in front of the altar. The banners are placed along the sides while the chaplains return to their groups. All the while the congregation is singing a joyful entrance song. This sets the scene for a mass, which has been very carefully prepared. The object is to provide a liturgy for a very large congregation, about 4000 people, and yet as child-friendly as possible. Every effort is made to use music that encourages participation, and to enliven the liturgy with movement, drama and mime. All this is to engage all those present as participants, especially those with special needs.The result is a mass that not only speaks to the children but to all present. It is a memorable and joyful celebration of the gifts of love symbolised in God’s gift of his beloved Son and the Son’s love of the Father made present in this action. Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a wedding feast. The joy and sense of belonging and celebration all experience in the Trust Mass is a true anticipation of the future joy of the Kingdom.
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