
Footsteps of Bernadette: #Lourdes #Nevers

In the Footsteps of Bernadette: Lourdes – Nevers | Episode 5 | World Youth Day 2023 Pilgrimage Vlog

Embark on a journey with us as we explore Lourdes and Nevers in the fifth episode of our Pilgrimage Vlog. In this episode, we immersed ourselves in the sacred atmosphere of the Grotto of Lourdes, where we participated in Mass, touched the revered Rock of the Grotto, and experienced the spring water as we washed our faces and hands. Lighting candles and walking the Way of the Cross together, we connected deeply with the spiritual essence of this sacred place.

Our pilgrimage continued with visits to the homes of Bernadette, including Boly Mill/Moulin de Boly and Lacadé Mill/Maison Paternelle. We explored the Dungeon (Le Cachot) and the Sacred Heart Parish (Église Paroissiale du Sacre-Coeur), which safeguards Bernadette’s baptismal font. A heartfelt gift exchange marked our time together, creating lasting memories.

The following morning, we gathered for an early Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, a church specially requested by the Blessed Virgin Mary. The serenity of the basilica provided a reflective space for our spiritual journey.

Our next destination was Nevers, where, on July 7, 1866, Bernadette entered the Mother House of the Sisters of Charity, also known as St. Gildard, accompanied by the Superior from Lourdes and two companions. In a poignant moment, Bernadette shared her apparition story for the last time, clad in her Pyrenean attire, before beginning her religious training the next day. On October 30, 1867, she made her first commitment to religious life alongside 44 novices. The Convent of St. Gildard now holds the remains of Saint Bernadette.

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