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Thomas Daily nuovo vescovo di Spokane

Nota di Tony Assante: Per me che presto servizio ogni anno con lui è semplicemente TOM. Con immensa gioia ho ricevuto via Twitter questa notizia. Tanti auguri al nuovo Vescovo di Spokane, Thomas Daly . Tanti auguri al mio amico TOM

Daly named new Catholic bishop of Spokane

SPOKANE, Wash. — Thomas Daly of the Diocese of San Jose has been named by Pope Francis as the seventh bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, the Church announced Thursday.

Daly, 54, succeeds Blase Cupich, who was recently made the archbishop of Chicago.

Daly is currently the auxiliary bishop in the nation’s 10th largest diocese. He was born in San Francisco and was ordained as a priest in 1987.

His installation in Spokane is set for May 20 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes. The apostolic nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, is scheduled to be present for his installation.

Daly received his bachelor’s degree from the University of San Francisco in 1982. He completed a master’s degree in divinity at St. Patrick Seminary in Menlo Park, California, and received a master’s in education from Boston College in 1996. He was named auxiliary bishop in San Jose in 2011.

Daly was in Spokane on Thursday to hold a brief news conference and meet with staff and priests.

He said he had visited the city on numerous occasions, and was a fan of Gonzaga University’s basketball team.

The Catholic community in the Diocese of San Jose numbers 670,000, while the Diocese of Spokane serves about 96,000 Catholics.

Daly will live at Bishop White Seminary, which houses the diocese’s college-level priestly formation program.

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