
#Lourdes Oblates Virtual Pilgrimage 2021

Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage 2021: Opening Service

Our online Lourdes pilgrimage for 2021 , ‘Lourdes: Bringing us Together”, begins with our opening service at 7pm, presented by Kairos Community Trust, a wonderful organisation based in London, dedicated to helping homeless men and women with drug and alcohol problems. Every year, Kairos volunteers are part of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage team, and in this service, will welcome us and share with us as we begin our pilgrimage together. You might like to light a candle in your home as part of this service.

Thank you for praying with us as we embark on our pilgrimage journey over the next few days.

Remember to send your prayer intentions to – we will pray for your intentions each day throughout the pilgrimage and, afterwards all intentions will be brought to the Grotto in Lourdes and prayed for there.

If you still have not registered for our evening program on Sunday 19th September – an interactive Meditation on Zoom presented by Fr Ray Warren OMI at 7pm – you can do so at the link below. Fr Ray is the director of De Mazenod House Retreat and Spirituality Centre in Tower Hill, and leads us in a short time of prayer, meditation and sharing on our theme, Lourdes: Bringing us Together.

Join us tomorrow at 8.30am for the pilgrimage morning reflection. Our opening mass will take place at 10am, and we will join together for the Angelus and lighting of the pilgrimage candle at 12noon.

Our evening programme for Saturday is the Pilgrimage Rosary and Virtual Torchlight Procession with the Oblate Family in Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and the island of Jersey and all those joining us from where ever you are.

What does Lourdes mean to you? Tell us in the comments below! And don’t forget to join us for our online pilgrimage, Lourdes: Bringing us together, which begins Friday 17 September at 7pm until Tuesday 21 September at 7pm.

Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Day 2: Morning Prayer and Reflection

Friends, thank you for joining us for our morning reflection and Day 2 of our pilgrimage.

We join Kay Curran, a member of the Lourdes Pilgrimage Team for our reflection. Kay reflects on what Lourdes means to her at the Grotto in Inchicore – how Lourdes and Our Lady helped her deal with difficult times in her life, including her recovery from serious illness, and why she returns there as a volunteer in thanksgiving to Our Lady and to help and accompany assisted pilgrims and one another in experiencing the peace and healing that Lourdes has to offer.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?’ – Elizabeth said these words in greeting to Mary.

#lourdes #bringingustogether #lourdes2021

Our opening mass will take place at 10am, and we will join together for the Angelus and lighting of the pilgrimage candle at 12noon.

Our evening programme for Saturday is the Pilgrimage Rosary and Virtual Torchlight Procession with the Oblate Family in Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and the island of Jersey and all those joining us from where ever you are.

Oblate #Lourdes Pilgrimage: Opening Mass

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2021 PLAYLIST

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