
Catholic Journalists Gather in #Lourdes

Catholic Journalists Gather in Lourdes for the St. Francis De Sales Congress | EWTN News Nightly

On the occasion of the International Days of Saint Francis de Sales, in Lourdes, more than 250 Catholic journalists and media professionals from about 30 countries are gathering to deepen their mission as transmitters of the faith. Co-organized by the Vatican’s Communications Department, the 27th edition of the St. Francis de Sales Congress focuses on Catholic journalism and the mission to speak the truth, even when people don’t want to see or listen. It is important to have exchanges of ideas and to create a network, and for the Dicastery for Communication to promote space and opportunities, to create a network between journalists of different output, and different media outlets. The conference kicked off with an emphasis on journalism in war—torn places across the globe. Journalists face hostility and oppression especially when they report on terror and crimes. EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief, Andreas Thonhauser has more.

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