
#Lourdes 2018 short film RCDHN

While in Lourdes this summer I shot another short cinematic. I tried to capture my experience but to be honest, my true thoughts and feelings will never be able to be truly captured. What an amazing year. Thank you so much to everyone I met who made this week amazing!

This week I almost booked last minute flights to go back for a weekend… I don’t know what it is about this little town in the southwest of France, it’s like nowhere else in the world and I always find it so difficult to describe to anyone who’s never heard about it before. By now I know the route from the Alba to the Accueil like the back of my hand I could probably walk it with my eyes closed… I probably have for a 7am shift haha… and I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of the town. It’s so peaceful yet so busy everyone there for various reasons and I always seem to meet some of the most amazing people…
Let me know if you fancy a long weekend trip to Lourdes to switch off and experience this town in the foothills of the Pyrenees because I need a break already

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