Lourdes: The bikers

Each year, more than a thousand bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts find themselves on a pilgrimage to Lourdes. Their gathering is always concludes with the blessing of crews from the wharf Boissarie located near the Porte Saint-Michel to the sanctuaries. The pilgrimage (twentieth edition in 2010, organized by the Union Cycliste Pyrénéenne) is above all a concentration of bikers who held the third weekend in June It is a gathering of bikers where conviviality and fraternity are the watchwords. For some it is a moment in the year they may have a thought, a prayer for their relatives. The blessing of the crews on Sunday morning and marched through the city under the eye of many spectators neophytes or experts are expected moments.
More info on the pilgrimage www.pelerinage-motards.fr

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