
#Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience

Originally broadcast on June 6, 2021, The Feast of Corpus Christi

Although we cannot go to France or visit your parish community during this extraordinary time, we are blessed to bring Lourdes virtually to you with an exceptional blessing from the Holy Father! Pope Francis has proclaimed a Plenary Indulgence for Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage ExperienceTM to be broadcast or live-streamed directly to you with the same grace as if we were in your local parish or the Sanctuary in France!

This month our virtual journey to Lourdes is guided by Teresa Lewis from the Diocese of La Crosse. Fr. Sean Grismer will lead us in Eucharistic adoration, pray a decade of the Rosary, and offer a blessing from St. Bridget Catholic Church in the Diocese of Rockford.

North American Lourdes Volunteers


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