
Rari video di #Lourdes anni 70

This clip is all from Lourdes and looks to be from an Easter visit in the 1970s; it shows much more of the ceremonies and processions than some of the previous upload

These are clips of a visit to Lourdes in 1970, 1971 or 1972. Filmed on 8mm cine stock, so is unfortunately silent.

This film would have been on an Easter pilgrimage from Stoke on Trent with the Lourdes Trust and appears to have been by coach this time; some of the clips are of a roadside picnic during the trip. This gives a good insight into what long distance coach travel was like in those days when it came to meal breaks, and the sequences in Lourdes itself show a lot of how things in general looked back then.

This one opens with a short clip of a group at Lourdes but then most of it is of a visit to Walsingham. The date of this filming appears to be the late 1960s or the early 1970s,

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