
12 ore in video di #Lourdes United

Atmadarshan Tv | Live | Exceptional E-Pilgrimage for the whole world

*Lourdes, France is hosting an “E-Pilgrimage”*
*Live from the Grotto of Apparitions on _*JULY 16_, the Anniversary of the 18th & last apparition of the Virgin Mary!!*
Hi everyone, pls share with your friends this extraordinary opportunity to pray for each other and for the world. This live streaming will bring together millions of people from all continents, through television, radio and social networks, under the sign of hope and solidarity.
Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage
15 hours of activities (processions, rosaries, masses, testimonials, etc.)
Petition requests may also be submitted online.

This extraordinary day will bring together millions of people from all continents, through television, radio and social networks, under the sign of hope and solidarity.

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