

“The Miracle,” a film by Chicago filmmaker Jeffrey Jon Smith, is based on a theatrical monologue called “Thanksgiving” by Chicago actress and writer Tekki (Mary Thecla) Lomnicki.

Tekki is the Artistic Director of Tellin’ Tales Theater in Chicago, and has won awards and acclaim both for her solo performances and for her work with disabled children. It’s the story of a journey Tekki (who, by the way, at 3′ 5″, is a little person) and her mother, made to Lourdes in 1976, and of a kind of spiritual misunderstanding between the two that was resolved by the trip.

Tekki and her mom, Dolores, are both Roman Catholic, and the film strongly reflects their faith. “The Miracle” is about the human search for unconditional love, from the people we know best and from the Divine, and the ways in which God can work miracles through the most unexpected means.

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Un commento

  1. Greetings, Hospitaliers!

    Jeffrey Jon Smith here, writer and director of The Miracle. Many thanks for posting this and spreading the word about our film. Those interested in purchasing a DVD of The Miracle can email us at

    We are trying to find distribution for the film in France, especially a way to make it available to visitors to Lourdes, and I would welcome an advice on how to that.

    Again, thanks for posting this blog. Here is another link for the film at IMDb, the Internet Movie Database, with more information about the movie, as well as pictures and an updated trailer:


    Jeffrey Jon Smith

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