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Il Film #LOURDES arriva nelle sale Amricane

Il film “Lourdes”, diretto da Thierry Demaizière e Alban Teurlai uscito nel 2019 sarà proiettato questa settimana in oltre 700 cinema oscuri negli Stati Uniti.

Dopo lo spettacolo “Bernadette de Lourdes” a New York all’inizio di quest’anno, è il turno di questo successo cinematografico conquistare il pubblico americano.

Un lungometraggio che sicuramente commuoverà e affascinerà gli spettatori transatlantici attraverso l’autenticità delle testimonianze e dei momenti raccolti.

Le film “Lourdes”, réalisé par Thierry Demaizière • Alban Teurlai sorti en 2019 sera projeté cette semaine dans plus de 700 salles obscures américaines.

Après la projection du spectacle Bernadette de Lourdes à New-York en début d’année, c’est au tour de ce succès cinématographique de partir à la conquête du public américain.

Un long métrage qui à coup sûr saura émouvoir et fasciner les spectateurs outre-atlantique à travers l’authenticité des témoignages et des moments recueillis.

The film “Lourdes”, directed by Thierry Demaizière et Alban Teurlai will be screened this week in over 700 American cinemas.

A film that will undoubtedly move viewers across the Atlantic through the authenticity of the testimonies and moments collected, here in #Lourdes.


LOURDES, a small village where the Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl about 150 years ago.

And where few miracles have been recognized by the church but not recognized and recounted by thousands.

The biggest of them is the heart with which pilgrims come and go, each one with something to heal: mentally, physically or spiritually.

Still today LOURDES is more alive than ever. And Our Lady remains active and attentive to each of her children.

About 6 million people visit it every year. After the pandemic, her devotion is increasing.

The multitudinous processions of people seeking a miracle feed a small army of caregivers (nurses, volunteers, hospitalists) who accompany them.

These pilgrims are an amazing display of humanity: accident victims, the terminally ill, an overweight teenager being bullied at school, a group of prostitutes and trans people from Paris, etc. LOURDES is an insightful meditation on the human capacity for empathy and hope, and especially a journey into the mystery of religious faith in the face of life’s profound tribulations.

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