
Oblates Online #Lourdes Pilgrimage 2021

Join our Online Lourdes Pilgrimage 17-21 September

Dear friends, our online Lourdes Pilgrimage, ‘Lourdes: Bringing us together takes place from Friday 17 September – Tuesday 21 September 2021. Even though we could not go to Lourdes in person this year, we join together virtually for our pilgrimage events, with most events broadcast from the “Irish Lourdes” the Oblate Grotto in Inchicore, Dublin.

The Oblate pilgrimage has been travelling to Lourdes every year since 1883 – except for during the war years and now Covid – and is the longest running English-speaking pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine of Lourdes – a place of healing, a place of hope and a place of peace. Join with us as Lourdes brings us together from wherever we are.

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