
The Cenacolo Community in #Lourdes

The Cenacolo Community in Lourdes, France Dedicates Itself to Helping Those Sick & Lost

February 11th is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and is also the World Day of the Sick. Pope Francis has released a message calling for the faithful to care for the sick and the neglected. EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief, Alan Holdren takes us to Lourdes where one community is doing just that. The Cenacolo Community was founded in 1983 in Cuneo in Northern Italy by Mother Elvira Petrozzi, and it focuses on serving lost youth and helping them to overcome dependencies and addictions. The name of the community house is the Virgin of Divine Providence, and they currently host 36 people from different nationalities. The founder of the Cenacolo Community, Mother Elvira, always believed in Divine Providence and every community house lives by that rule to provide food, money and everything else. Rome’s pilgrimage office – Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi – agreed with the community that every pilgrimage group that visits Lourdes from now on will also visit the Cenacolo Community.

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